Today's Investment Challenge

Today’s investors face a significant challenge: compelling investments are hard to find. We believe better investments provide the opportunity to achieve four valuable criteria.

Better Investments Criteria

High Returns

Compelling investments should produce 10%+ annualized returns over complete market cycles. This is a difficult threshold to clear. But true wealth creation requires substantial compounding. Double-digit returns make compounding come to life.

Limited Downside Risk

Investments occasionally decline in value. Better investments should limit these losses to 25% or less, with durations of less than four years. Deeper and longer price declines produce investor pain and may lead to poor investment decisions.

Low Correlation

Low correlation investments produce returns with minimal relationship to other investments. This diversification can lead to a smoother ride and higher returns for investors. Attractive investments should have monthly correlations to the US stock market of 0.5 or less over market cycles.

Tax Efficiency

High pre-tax returns are critical, but investors know that after-tax returns are what matter most. For this reason, appealing investments should consider tax implications and reduce tax burdens through tax-efficient execution.

High Returns

Compelling investments should produce 10%+ annualized returns over complete market cycles. This is a difficult threshold to clear. But true wealth creation requires substantial compounding. Double-digit returns make compounding come to life.

Limited Downside Risk

Investments occasionally decline in value. Better investments should limit these losses to 25% or less, with durations of less than four years. Deeper and longer price declines produce investor pain and may lead to poor investment decisions.

Low Correlation

Low correlation investments produce returns with minimal relationship to other investments. This diversification can lead to a smoother ride and higher returns for investors. Attractive investments should have monthly correlations to the US stock market of 0.5 or less over market cycles.

Tax Efficiency

High pre-tax returns are critical, but investors know that after-tax returns are what matter most. For this reason, appealing investments should consider tax implications and reduce tax burdens through tax-efficient execution.

Traditional Investments Come Up Short

Traditional investment categories have some characteristics of compelling investments, but none meet all four criteria. Most investors have too much allocated to these categories.

Investment Category

High Returns

Limited Drawdown

Low Correlation

Tax Efficiency


10% historical

40-60% down; 10+ yrs.


benchmark asset

LT cap gains; dividends


6% historical

15-25% down; <4 yrs.

<0.3 to U.S.stocks

Ordinary interest

Real Estate

10% historical

25-40% down; 8+ yrs.

<0.3 to U.S.stocks

Favorable tax laws

Private Equity

12% historical

25-40% down; 5+ yrs.

>0.8 to U.S.stocks

LT cap gains


6% historical

50-75% down; 40+ yrs.

<0.3 to U.S.stocks

LT cap gains


High Returns

10% historical

Limited Drawdowns

40-60% down; 10+ yrs.

Low Correlation


benchmark asset

Tax Efficiency

LT cap gains; dividends


High Returns

6% historical

Limited Drawdowns

15-25% down; <4 yrs.

Low Correlation

<0.3 to U.S.stocks

Tax Efficiency

Ordinary interest

Real Estate

High Returns

10% historical

Limited Drawdowns

25-40% down; 8+ yrs.

Low Correlation

<0.3 to U.S.stocks

Tax Efficiency

Favorable tax laws

Private Equity

High Returns

12% historical

Limited Drawdowns

25-40% down; 5+ yrs.

Low Correlation

>0.8 to U.S.stocks

Tax Efficiency

LT cap gains


High Returns

6% historical

Limited Drawdowns

50-75% down; 40+ yrs.

Low Correlation

<0.3 to U.S.stocks

Tax Efficiency

LT cap gains


High Returns

10% historical

Limited Drawdowns

40-60% down; 10+ yrs.

Low Correlation


benchmark asset

Tax Efficiency

LT cap gains; dividends


High Returns

6% historical

Limited Drawdowns

15-25% down; <4 yrs.

Low Correlation

<0.3 to U.S.stocks

Tax Efficiency

Ordinary interest

Real Estate

High Returns

10% historical

Limited Drawdowns

25-40% down; 8+ yrs.

Low Correlation

<0.3 to U.S.stocks

Tax Efficiency

Favorable tax laws

Private Equity

High Returns

12% historical

Limited Drawdowns

25-40% down; 5+ yrs.

Low Correlation

>0.8 to U.S.stocks

Tax Efficiency

LT cap gains


High Returns

6% historical

Limited Drawdowns

50-75% down; 40+ yrs.

Low Correlation

<0.3 to U.S.stocks

Tax Efficiency

LT cap gains

Building Better Investments

At Dixon Midland, we seek to build better investments for today’s investors. We’re an asset management firm focused on delivering above-market returns with below-market risk and low correlation to other investments. We seek to deliver these results through a long-short equity strategy based on timeless investment principles and careful craftsmanship. Our investment strategy seeks to:


Deliver above-market returns over complete market cycles.


Protect investor capital against deep and prolonged declines (drawdowns).


Create a smoother ride with low correlations to other investments.


Maximize after-tax returns through tax-aware implementation.


Deliver above-market returns over complete market cycles.


Create a smoother ride with low correlations to other investments.


Protect investor capital against deep and prolonged declines (drawdowns).


Maximize after-tax returns through tax-aware implementation.